Sunday, September 27, 2020

TAKSİM MEYDANI KENTSEL TASARIM YARIŞMASI 1. AŞAMA ÖNERİ (Proposal for Taksim Square Urban Design Competition- Phase I)


Project Team : M.Çetin (Team Leader), Assitants: N.Pilikoğlu, R.Üngördü, N.Yenigül, E.Topuz, B.İridağ

Studies About Taksim:

Çetin, M., 2016       “Urban-Architecture as a Battleground of Socio-Cultural Struggle”, The Urban Gaze: Exploring Urbanity through Art, Architecture, Music, Fashion, Film and Media, (ed. L. Howard, S.Mazzucotelli) (e-book / ISBN  978-1-84888-453-3), Interdisciplinary.Net Press; Oxford, ss.129-140.

Çetin, M., 2016       Chapter 8 (V.3); “Spatial Anarchy in Gezi Park Protests; Urban Public Space as Instrument of Power and Resistance towards an Alternative Social Order”, The Practice of Freedom (Transgressing Frontiers); Anarchism, Geography and the Spirit of Revolt (ed. S.Springer, R.J.White, M.Lopes De Souza) (ISBN 978-1-7834-8664-9), Vol.3 The Practice of Freedom, Rowmand & Littlefield; London, ss. 185-208.

Çetin, M., 2014       (Other)chitecture; Body as New Spatial Scale for Reconstruction of Resilient-Urbanspace Against Neoliberal Urban Policies”, Proceedings of the 25th UIA World Congress of Architecture Otherwhere; Resilience, Ecology, Values, UIA, Durban, S.Africa, ss.52-58.

Çetin, M., 2013,      "Piyonla Şah-Mat Mümkün mü? Neo-Liberalist Küresel Mekan Stratejisi Karşısında Direncin Mekansal Ölçeği Olarak Beden", Dosya, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şb., V.32, ss.6-11.

Çetin, M., 2013       ""#Diren-ç-MEKAN; Gezi Parki'nda kamusal mekanın maddesel gücünün yeniden canlanışı", Serbest MIMAR, V.12 [Ağustos], ss.10-12.

Çetin, M., 2011,      “Do You Speak "Urban Design"? ; Intermediations Between Grammar of Space and the Fragments of City-text”, International Journal of Arab Culture, Management & Sustainable Development, V.2 N.1; ss. 83-100.

Çetin, M., 2003       “Kentin Lisanını Anlamak; Bir Yarışmanın Ardından” (Comprehension of the language of a town; after a competition), Mimarist, N.8, ss.58-64.

Çetin, M., 2003       “Mimarlıkta Dilbilimsel Çözümleme, Şekil Gramerleri” (Linguistic Analysis in Architecture; Shape Grammars), [with Abstract in English], Gazi Sanat Dergisi (Gazi Art Journal), N. 3, ss.41-50 (REFEREED JOURNAL)

Çetin, M., 1999a     "Principles of Urban Transformation; A Grammatical Interpretation", Transformations of Urban Form; From Interpretations to Methodologies, Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF), 23-6 July, Alinea Editrice: Florence, ss. FM 2.7-10.

Çetin, M., 1999b     "A Tale of Two Cities; The Grammar of Urban Transformation", La Cittá Nuova, Proceedings of the 1999 ACSA International Conference, 29 May-2 June, Rome, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Press: Washington D.C., ss. 417-22.

Çetin, M., 1999c     "Formal Grammar Analysis of Urban Transformation; Urban Renewal of historic Town Centres in Turkey After 1980s", Doktora Tezi, University of Sheffield.